Self-Love Habits: How can you anticipate the needs of others if you can’t anticipate the needs of yourself?

How you love yourself will show up in how you love others. We all know the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  To capitalize on that principle, we must be honest about how we treat ourselves. Reflect on your behavior towards yourself. What words are you using to describe yourself? What are you speaking into your life? Are you cursing your future? Are you letting worry and doubt cloud your judgment because of past failures? Do you allow yourself to fail?

Self Love Habits

This post is all about self-love habits.


1. Forgive yourself.

No matter how foolish or dangerous your actions and words may have been, self-inflicted pain must be forgiven. Release yourself from the debt. If God, can forgive, why not you?

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

2. Gently practice patience with yourself.

Starting good habits and stopping negative ones take time. All you can ask of yourself is that you try your best daily. That’s it.

3. Be kind with your words.

Provers 18:21 tells us, there is life and death in the power of your tongue. Stop cursing your situation. Remove finalities from your vocabulary. Vocalize your affirmations.

"The first and most important of The Four Agreements is be impeccable with your word. The word is your power of creation, and that power can be used in more than one direction. One direction is impeccability, where the word creates a beautiful story — your personal heaven on earth. The other direction is misuse of the word, where the word destroys everything around you, and creates your personal hell." -Don Miguel Ruiz, The 4 Agreements.
The Four Agreements

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4. Acknowledge your feelings.

This is your normal alarm system. Emotions indicate either validation or violations of your morals and values.

5. Reward your victories.

Great and small. We live in a society that has a short attention span. Don’t overshadow your blessings by being anxious about what’s next. Checklists can be good, but don’t let them control you. Enjoy your roses.

Learn to Love Yourself

6. Set boundaries.

This act protects your peace. It may seem challenging at first, but the more you exercise the healthy emotional awareness practice, the easier it gets. Don't allow someone to continue to infringe upon your morals and values. Your time is a privilege and should be valued by family and friends. No one should dictate their access to you.

Daily Self Love Habits

7. Govern your self-love.

Govern your self-love just like any other government. With your executive sector, you approve the requirements of your love. Your legislative sector sets your boundaries. And your judicial sector provides the consequences for all violated boundaries. Without boundaries, no one will take you seriously which leaves the door open for more violations.

Self-care is a Daily Practice

Your Effort Must Be Intentional

What may be good for some, may not be good for others. Be good to yourself. Balance attracts balance. People who are well-balanced in joy and peace tend to attract others like themselves. These self-love habits are great for improving emotional health therefore improving your quality of life.

This post is all about self-love habits.

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