Transforming Hearts through Emotional Awareness, Healthy Relationships, and Forgiveness

At the core of our work is a strong belief in the transformative power of faith and self-awareness. By embracing the teachings of the Bible, we tap into an infinite source of wisdom and guidance to navigate through life's challenges and find peace amidst the storm. Together, we will explore ways to deepen your faith and infuse it into every aspect of your healing journey.

Mission Statement

Chelsea Publishing provides strategies to overcome self-sabotage and overthinking using empowered choices.

Who We Are

We know that people are our greatest gifts and we are here to support your transformation to heal your emotional wounds. In John 10:10, God promised you life and life more abundantly. There is hope beyond your trauma, lingering depression, and stubborn anxiety. Despite your difficult times, there are better days ahead, if you choose to believe.

No matter your difficult times...

Generational Curses





Spiritual Warfare





We have you covered.

Meet Chelsea

How It All Started

Through my profound encounters with pain and personal growth, I've found valuable lessons nestled within life's toughest challenges. Armed with these lessons and unwavering faith, I am dedicated to helping you use emotional health through your unique gifts, strengths, and purpose.

Our Values


We love others as ourselves.


We respect your choices.


We lead by example.


We know practice makes progress.

Customer Driven

We are here to help each other.

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This is an invitation to discuss some hard truths. Stay in tune and stay in touch.