If you want to make better relationship choices, you will want to check out these examples of emotional intelligence in relationships.

It is best to start with emotional awareness as a key to examples of emotional intelligence in relationships.

Emotional awareness is being aligned with your mind, body, and spirit. Your emotions are recognized in your mind first which is processed through your thoughts. Your thoughts materialize in the body with your words and actions. The choices of those actions affect your spirit which governs the balance of your morals and values.

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

Romans 8:6 NIV

Having healthy relationships without the emotional hurt is something everyone wants, right?

There are some quick relationship tips you can use on your next date to weed out incompatible choices.

I am going to encourage you to look beyond the physical attractions and invest more time on the spiritual and intellectual attributes of an individual. These tips are the cornerstones I used to identify my husband. I went so far as to take my sister’s advice in creating a compatible mate checklist where I listed the values and dealbreakers required for my next mate.

This post is all about examples of emotional intelligence in relationships.

Best Examples of Emotional Intelligence in Relationships

1. Get to Know Yourself First

Before you take interest in someone, get to know yourself first. Solidify who you are. What are your values? What is your love language? Are you big on affection? Quality time? Conversation? This is so important because it creates self-awareness which illuminates issues you may need to address. Issues like unprocessed trauma, fear, and anger can pose a threat to any relationship.

2. Discuss What You Need in a Relationship

When you meet a person, discuss what you need in a relationship. Determine your boundaries & deal-breakers.

Emotional Intelligence Test Relationships

3. Identify Similarities and Start as Friends First

Identify the person’s compatibility and willingness. You want your partner’s effort to match your effort. This preparation may limit the number of possible disappointments. Disappointments are derived from unmet expectations. Unmet expectations lead to pain and pain breeds anger. Doing your due diligence first could elevate such frustration.

Shift your focus past their face and into their upbringing, their likes, and dislikes. Identifying similarities is a sure way to start a friendship first. Being friends and having similarities is not the end goal, but merely stepping stones.

4. Respect the Differences in Your Relationship

You must respect the differences in your relationship to succeed. For these reasons, please focus on the spiritual and intellectual connections you make with people and less time on the physical attraction you share.

Trust what you see the first time. If that person lies, then they may not be comfortable with the truth and therefore struggle with trust.

5. Realize Your Dealbreakers

You just might realize if that person is planning on being in your life or if they are just passing through. In time, you will realize your dealbreakers, which in turn teaches you about what you want and what is worth waiting for.

lack of emotional intelligence in relationships

Loving this Emotional Awareness image. Get this on apparel or canvas.

This post is all about examples of emotional intelligence in relationships. 

Allow yourself to mentally and emotionally grow with someone. This type of commitment can be the scariest and most freeing opportunity life will present to you. Being vulnerable allows you and others around you to embrace their truth. 

Some attractions are physical at first and maybe spiritual or intellectual second. There’s nothing wrong with this order. Nature is founded on the physical law of attraction, but I emphasize that you dare to look a little deeper. 

Excerpt from The Chameleon Effect Chp. 7


The Chameleon Effect

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